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Understanding Google My Business & Local Search

Google My Business Website FAQ

Here are some answers to your Google Website questions.

Google My Business Website FAQ

Does the site support Schema?

No, while the data is structured in a way that makes it easy for Google to read, it does not use Schema

Does Websites support SEO?

Not really. There is a limit to a single page of content, there is no access to title tags and the metadescription. Obviously whether at a unique domain or the url it can be linked to.

How many pages can a GMB Website have?


Its easy to move from one theme to another

Are there any analytics?

There is no integration of the product with Google Analytics. There is no simplified Insights data at inception but that is likely to follow soon.

Is there any way to track phone calls made from the site or requests for driving directions? 

Not at this time

Does it support social sharing from the page?

No, not in the current iteration.

Does a business need to be verified to get a Google Website?

No but the business has to verify if they want the website to be linked on search and maps. But apparently there is a new, quicker sign up in countries that are being targeted, like Indonesia.

Is the Google My Business Website product available worldwide?

(click for more)

Yes with the exception of countries that are right to left reading. They will be available shortly.

Do the websites created support widgets or javascript inclusions for additional functionality?

No. Amazing that a Google web product doesn’t support Google analytics but it doesn’t support that or any other plug in capability.

Does the GMB Website integrate with the other beta tests like Chat with customer and Posts?

Not at this time but it is likely in the future.

What image and video formats does it support?

At this time just png and jpeg. Animated gifs and video are not supported.

If a GMB listing’s phone number is auto-updated by Google due to user input, does the GMB Website update as well?

It appears so.

Does support help with GMB Website issues?


If a listing is “stolen” what happens to the website?

It goes with the listing and you need to contact support to resolve any issues

What is the URL of any page that is created via the Website builder? 

Google is offering a “free” URL at and you can buy your own domain for it from Google.

Can you change the URL that has been assigned by Google?

Yes, easily via the settings option.

Is the product useful if a business already has a website?

Not really. If the website is a modern, easily editable website then this new product has little value to add to a business’s internet presence.

What value might this product have to a US based business?

I can see several possible use cases. Once it supports more obvious calls to action, it could become a simple conversion test environment for an Adwords Express campaign.

The other obvious use case would be a small business that is currently Facebook only that wants a stronger search presence to complement their Facebook presence.

But replace WordPress it will not.

Why did Google release this product and for whom is it intended?

This is product is targeted sqaurely at any business that has never had a web presence or only has a Facebook page as their web presence. It is ideal for a small business in India or a US based business that is currently Facebook only and wants to start increasing their search visibility.

Does Website support HTTPS?

Not yet but it will soon.

To read more about the product itself see Google MyBusiness Website Builder Released Worldwide and this earlier piece, Google GMB Website Builder Beta First Look.