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Understanding Google My Business & Local Search

Complaints and Their Role in Business – I need your help

Lately, having had some terrible customer service experiences with some big brands, I have been thinking a lot about complaints and what they mean to the consumer and the business.

Complaints are so very different from a bad review and the appropriate responses are different as well. And I know when I ran a bricks and mortar store how painful they were as well.

So I am asking you for some help from you. Here are some questions that you might answer for me:

Do you have any anecdotes about the good, bad and ugly of complaints vis a vis your business or businesses you deal with?

Do you have suggestions on how you handle complaints?

If you are agency do you value add your client relationships by helping them navigate the complaint waters?

How do you see complaints as different than and the same as reviews?

What do you think are the key bullet points when thinking about responding to complaints?

And you are welcome to send along anything about complaints that would add to the conversation. Don’t feel limited by my suggestions I just put them out there to give you something to think about.

As always your ideas, if used will be credited with a link. Not that I am offering a quid pro quo. That would be bad. Just offering to credit you. 🙂

You can answer below or email me at