Understanding Google My Business & Local Search
Google Trusted Verifier Program – What is it? Where is it?
Early today at Linda’s forum and the Local U forum it was reported that Google had rolled out a Google Trusted Verifier Program that allowed folks in the field to verify a business while on site, using an Android app. It now appears that the help files were released prematurely and they were all removed from Google or only made available to beta testers. .
We have posted some of high level details from the now removed documentation on the Local U Blog.
It’s for real! We got the Trusted Verifier app ready to go and hope to test this week. We’re participating in the GYBO program as a Trusted Photographer, is how we were introduced. There was an online exam to be allowed use of the app. You will need internet access at the location and a QR code will be generated that the app can verify. More to come . . .
@john thanks for update
Hi Mike, i am Local Guides Community Moderator, Street View Trusted Photographer https://www.localguidesconnect.com/t5/badges/userbadgespage/user-id/41/page/1
How can I get to Trusted Verifier program?
It is by invite only. And not sure if it is expanding to Europe or not.
I can tell, it is 🙂
Just got certified the other day and already verified one local business through the app here in the Netherlands.
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