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Understanding Google My Business & Local Search

Current Google Plus Page URL Cluster F%&k Alert Update

The Google Franken Page problem seems to have largely if not completely disappeared. In a check of 54 links from Uncle Bob’s Storage that were known to have suffered from the problem only one remains that has not yet been fixed. That is down from 2 bad listings this AM so a fix seems to be rolling out.

I asked Google to comment on the situation and here is what they said:  Thank you for reporting this. We’re working on a fix and apologize for any inconvenience.

Here is the bad Uncle Bob’s listing that still is not resolving correctly: 11955 South Orange Blossom Trail Orlando

If you recall, these franken pages started showing up early last week when Google, for whatever reason, was re-directing Plus pages to new URLs for some percentage of Plus pages. At the time we were seeing about 10% of all pages that had been redirected failed.

There appeared to be two types of these pages that were similar but had subtle differences. Some, which had just been separated from their local knowledge graph appeared as brand pages but verified. Others, a much smaller percent, though showed a 0 instead of a phone number. These are the few that seem to be still outstanding.

The risk level has dropped significantly and hopefully those remaining broken pages will be fixed in the near future.

Google Plus "Franken" Page
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