Understanding Google My Business & Local Search
Local Links of Interest
Google Maps Doubles Streetview Coverage – Google Lat Long Blog
we’re doubling the amount of coverage in the United States. This will bring Street View to some new cities, like Memphis, Birmingham, and Charleston (SC), and also to a few states for the first time, like Maine, West Virginia, North Dakota, and South Dakota.
Google Local Business Referrals is Shutting Down – Matt McGee, Small Business Search Marketing
16 months after its launch, the Google Local Business Referralsprogram is shutting down. Google will close the program at the end of this month.
Google Profile Information and Partner Content Providers: Should there be Disclosure? -Bill Slawski, SEO by the Sea
A recently published patent application from Google explores how location information, and other information associated with a mobile device, or a desktop computer could be collected as “profile information” about a searcher, and could be used to present a searcher with search results specifically tailored for them.
MIT Mobile Web – MIT
Take a look at mobile done right. The MIT Mobile Web offers up-to-date information, optimized for different types of mobile devices. Find people, places, events, course news, shuttle schedules, and more.
AT&T Hopes for Single Smartphone OS (PC World) –
PC World
This was reported quite widely last week and the implications are interesting. This doesn’t affect devices like the iPhone or the Blackberry using AT&T’s network. It applies to which OS is on AT&T’s branded phones and essentially pits Microsoft Mobile against Google Android and the now free Symbian OS from Nokia. It makes sense that they would want to support just one OS internally for both design and customer support issues. Since ATT has such large market share in the US, a decision could significantly impact the long term efforts of each of these three to be a significant force in US handset sales. Which do you think they will pick and why?
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