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Understanding Google My Business & Local Search

Google Category Tool Updated – Third Party Categories Added

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Updated 2/5/2014

With Google’s rollout of new international categories, we are in the process of updating the Google Category Tool. Thanks to those that have helped out; Mohammed Alami, Chris McCreery, Eduard de Boer & Courtney Rogers. I want to give a special hat tip to Keenan Glass who showed me how to gather categories in other countries.

We have also updated the tool with a number of third party categories that are commonly used in the US. Let me know if you find the additions of Localeze, Yelp, InfoUSA, Bing and NAICS categories helpful.

Here is the current status of the updates


Have the following categories and will be added/updated soon

Need help getting the categories for:

  • Any other country you would like to see added (let me know which ones).

Other new categories added to the tool

Google Bulk Upload Categories

If you would like to help in the gathering of categories here are the instructions to do so:

Go into the new dashboard (if your current email only goes to the old dashboard then create a new gmail account)

1-Select “add a listing”
2-Search for a business type in the city/country you want to gather the categories for. IE Car Repair Quebec , Quebec
3-Pick any unclaimed business from the list presented. If it is already claimed you will get a message.
4-When presented with the choice to verify, select “continue and verify later.
5-Select “Edit information”
6-Select Category: Edit
7-View Source code
8-search for GCID (the categories)
9-Select all
10-strip away useless HTML
11-then return to the dashboard and cancel the edit box
12-Select the gear in the upper right of the screen and “remove this listing” from your dashboard.