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Understanding Google My Business & Local Search

Give Google Places Your Opinion!

Google has just rolled out another moderated forum where users can provide suggestions and opinions as to how to improve Google Places. Here is the full text of the announcement:

Ask us your Google Places for business questions

Thursday, September 8, 2011 | 10:51 AM

A little more than a year ago, we collected your questions and feedback on Google Places for business via a Google Moderator page. You sent us some great feedback, and we had a blast responding! Check out our video responses here on YouTube, covering things like features of a listing, Report a problem and ranking.

It’s important to us to continue hearing your great feedback — and we suspect you’ve had a lot of questions and ideas throughout the past year — so let’s fire up another Moderator page. Starting today and for the next two weeks, you can submit your questions and ideas, as well as vote up other submissions from users. We’ll answer some of the more popular questions directly on the page and post a new video or two to the Google Places YouTube channel.

Start sharing your ideas right now, and stay tuned to us here on the Small Business Blog to see a roundup of responses.

Whether this was in response to the NY Times article earlier in the week or not is open to conjecture. The article has generated over 108 user comments to date.

Regardless, kudos to Google for picking tackling the problems head on and working to improve Places more quickly.

May I suggest that you post at both the NY Times Comment Section and the Google Ask Us Your Places Question forum.