Understanding Google My Business & Local Search
Google Continues Unifying Google My Business & Bulk Interfaces/ Improves Insights
Google is in the process of updating the Google My Business and My Business List (bulk) interfaces to create greater consistency of the user experience. Several weeks ago they launch a new navigation experience and today they are updating the Info Panel. My sense is that there is more to come. (h/t to Joy Hawkins and the Localsearchforum)
Simultaneously with the improvement to the interface Google is rolling out on an account by account basis, a completely new Insights platform. Initially the new analytics platform will only provide improved visuals but according to Google the complete guts to the system were rewritten and provide a basis for future expansion of capabilities.
from google:
GMB and GMBL have long been different products with different interfaces and editors. This has caused confusion for our users, many of whom end up using both products.
To simplify the user experience we are taking steps to unify the products so that everyone will use a single GMB interface. There will always be features that benefit users with multiple locations, but we want the navigation and editing experience to be consistent.
A few weeks ago, we launched a navigation experience that is consistent for users with a single location and those with multiple locations.
We are currently in the process of launching a redesigned editor that will make many tasks easier for our merchants, including:
- Style that previews the merchant’s Knowledge Panel
- Updated editor for hours and address
- Improved messages regarding listing states with clear calls to action toguide users
- Clearer UI for Google Updates that clearly shows what’s live on Maps vs what the merchant last provided
- Convenient links to view the listing on Google Search, Maps, and Google+
- Ability to make a business as permanently closed
The improvements are slowly rolling out for the single listing editor. We will eventually replace the multi-listing editor with the same interface; however, that will happen at a later date.
The improvements are slowly rolling out for the single listing editor. We will eventually replace the multi-listing editor with the same interface; however, that will happen at a later date.
Unfortunately the new Insights product still has limited date range and comparison features, no multi location aggregation of data and the data is not yet integrated with Analytics or the Google My Business API. But Google has indicated to me that these are all things that they are looking at. Whether the reliability of the data is greater is also TBD.
I’m willing to label this “good news.”
I’m still trying to understand why the number of total searches for “how customers search for your business” doesn’t match up with the Total views for “where customers view your business”
any ideas as to why the numbers aren’t the same? Should they be the same ?
Did anyone ever find out a good explanation as to why the total searches are not the same as total views? I have not seen a great explanation out there yet.
Okay, while we’re digging the Searches (Direct and Discovery) data, color us NOT impressed with the other changes. When you add up phone calls and driving directions by each day’s data point, they don’t match the totals by an average of 10%-ish. And we really miss the total website clicks, which you can only measure by adding up each day’s data. Boo!
HOORAY! Appears Totals have been implemented on Google Insight Views and Actions (as well as a Fall color theme for Views)!
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