Understanding Google My Business & Local Search
Entries Published On April, 2015
Optimizing Your Profile Image at Google Plus
There probably isn’t an image of your business that gets seen more by potential customers and searchers than your Google My Business profile image. There isn’t a single image that has more impact on searcher’s behaviors. And there isn’t an image in the online world that is harder to “get right.” Read my thoughts on …
Growth in the Use of “Near Me” in Searches
I have previously noted the growth of “near me” and “near by” in mobile search. With the advent of mobile computing those phrases have moved rapidly into the search lexicon among phone searches. In a recent article at Think With Google, Matt Lawson noted: Google search interest in “near me” has increased 34X since 2011 …
Old Google Maps Heads to the Graveyard
Barry Schwartz noted a Google Maps Forum post by Abby announcing the full roll-out of the updated Google Maps for desktop and the deprecation of the old Google Maps. In its place, for slow connection or old browsers, will be a Google Maps Lite Mode, a slimmed down version of the new Maps that eliminates 3D …