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Why You Should Have a Professional Proofreader for Your Bulk Emails

Language is an interesting thing. Sometimes it can be used in terribly inappropriate ways. Like in this email from the US Chamber of Commerce where he suggests “we remember those that have given to the cause ” of supporting “the most… opportunistic country in the world”. The email went from tribute to travesty in one word that could’ve been avoided if they had just bothered to hire a proofreader before publishing the memo.

U.S. Chamber Small Business Nation
Dear Mike ,

As we celebrate the long weekend and unofficial start of the summer season, we also want to take a moment to commemorate our nation’s veterans, past and present.

Did you know that Memorial Day is the only holiday that begins with the flag at half-staff in honor of the fallen and then raises it to full-mast at noon to inspire and pay tribute to those that serve on in their stead?

We’re lucky to live in the most free and opportunistic country in the world. Today we remember those who have given to that cause.

We hope you’ll take a minute to share our post on Facebook.

Share your thanks for those who fought to keep us free

Have a safe and happy memorial day,

Rob Engstrom
SVP and National Political Director
U.S. Chamber of Commerce


U.S. Chamber of Commerce 1615 H Street, NW Washington DC 20062-2000

Web Bug from

Here is Google’s (and generally accepted) definition of the word:



  1. Exploiting chances offered by immediate circumstances without reference to moral principle.