Understanding Google My Business & Local Search
Google Places Rolls Out Updated Bulk Upload Tool
Google Places has rolled out a new Google Places Bulk Upload Tool. From the Google SMB Blog:
We’ve made many improvements and now enable the following actions:
- Edit one or more of your listings’ data at once
- Search through your listings, filtering by specific information or for listings with errors
- Upload new listings using a data file or by adding them individually within the interface
- Tell us how we can improve this new interface by clicking the “Give Feedback” link
Here are two videos, the first is for already bulk upload verified users explaining differences from the current tool and the second is a tutorial for new users explaining the tool in detail:
When you log into the upload feature inside of the Dashboard there will be a 9 page tutorial about the new features however it is not yet working:
This tool looks like it will eliminate some of the bugs we’ve seen from the previous version. I hate to speculate, but if the old platform was based on Google Docs spreadsheet, it looks like the new platform is based Fusion Tables. This certainly is a positive step for the management of Google Places listings.
Thanks for the update, Mike!
I’m surprised that this new tool/platform doesn’t include a way to bulk upload photos, videos or “From the Owner,” updates. Do you think this is coming with a later iteration?
They no longer support custom columns in the bulk file.
Can’t include c:Menu:url anymore to get your menu link to show up in the listing 🙁
Hopefully they’ll add this as a native field soon.
Also appears that they’ve removed the distinction between uploading a “replace” file and an “additions” file. That’s sort of a pain — now you have to explicitly track deletes and manually remove them from the account.
Has anyone ever had good luck with bulk uploads and multiple locations in one account?
I think the photo’s will come in a later iteration, as they continue to work on the ‘long term’ solution to photo’s. http://places.blumenthals.com/thread56cc.html
Mike Bunnell, I think this update (no custom fields), in conjunction with the Venice update, which allows better association between web content and local content, is meaningful. My suggestion is to get your menu on your site, with schema.org micro-data, and Google will ‘eat it up’…
Jeff, Yes, of course, isn’t a bulk upload implying multiple locations? Do you mean multiple different brands?
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