Understanding Google My Business & Local Search
RSS Feeds To Google’s New Places Support Forum Courtesy of Barry Hunter
Barry Hunter, Top Contributor in the Google Maps & Places forums and Maps expert, took the matter of the missing RSS feeds for the Places forum into his own hands and crafted these feed URLS.
All Topics in Google and Your Business Forum
And these feeds should work in Google Reader only – probably wont elsewhere. Right click and ‘Copy shortcut’ then paste into the new subscription box in GReader:
The “msgs” (new messages) feed is with an entry per post, and “topics” (new topics) is just for the first post per topic.
Update: John Muller just posted this RSS feed for the forums on Google +
Webmaster Forum Topics Feed
Webmaster Forum MSGS Feed
.. just swap out “webmasters” with the appropriate part of the forum URL. The “topics” feed is per thread, the “msgs” feed is per message. The downsides to these URLs is that the body of the post is cut off at a certain length, and that you can’t look at these on a per-category basis (it’s awesome that Barry’s feed is per category).
So here are the two feeds (not sure the difference between the two). And both seem to require Google Reader:
Thanks again Barry for that precious resource. Was having a hard time without my forum feed.
The old feed showed full posts which was great because I could scan all the posts in the AM and mark the ones I wanted to reply to when I had time. The RSS feed you posted shows titles only so you still have to click to go read the full post. But still it’s helpful for doing a quick topic scan.
Ah, yes. Alas the method I found to scrape the content, doesnt include the content. So can’t get it directly.
Even the ones provided by Google (that only work in GReader!) only include the first few sentences.
the two links – via John, are same as last two links you have included from me 🙂
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