Understanding Google My Business & Local Search
New Login Screen Makes Google Account Creation More Obvious
I am not sure when this changed Google seems have made the login screen to create new user accounts more obvious as to whether you are are creating an account with a gmail or a 3rd party email address. This is much improved interface design that will make it clear that you don’t need a gmail address to get a Google account.
Interesting…how did you get to this sign up screen? I came across this one the other day and was concerned that they were moving toward requiring a Gmail address be created (because it looked like the only option available. However, depending on which product you’re using (e.g. Places), it will still sometimes lead to the former Create an Account screen.
hmm…I just went to create a new account and saw it…now when I go there I see the one that you saw… weird…. yes who needs ONE more email address and an off domain one at that?
Double ugh.
I can understand the hassle of having more than one email, but any other interface I’ve used can’t compete with Gmail–between labs, search, and filters I’m set for life!
So I guess the “Other email address” on that form is what Google will use to validate bulk claim requests?
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