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Understanding Google My Business & Local Search

Pending in Places – A new manual review or a new bug?

For the past 24 hours a number of posters in the forums (and people contacting me privately) have noted that their listings in their Places Dashboard have gone to a “Pending” status.

In this post in response to a complaint that all of a users listing had gone pending, Google Employee Brianna noted:


Thanks for reporting this issue. We are aware that listings have reverted to pending in users’ accounts. To check if your listing is live, please do a search in Google Maps for [BUSINESS NAME in POSTAL CODE].
Boost ads are unaffected by this issue.
We will follow up with more information when we have it.



The statement, although ambiguous, does imply a new bug in Places. It would seem that if your listing is still visible in the index then you have been been bitten. Although as I noted to several email correspondents, Google might also be putting more listings under manual review.

My suggestion in times like this is stays the same (even if Google’s is ever changing): Take two beers and come back in the morning