Understanding Google My Business & Local Search
Updated Google Interface Rolling Out?
Is this a test or a rollout? I am seeing this subtly different interface on all Google properties.
Is anyone else seeing?
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Barry Schwartz just pinged me to let me know that it is a test first seen last week. It is however being reported in New Zealand and Denmark.
It’s not available in the UK yet, I’ll let you know if that changes
I get it too here in Denmark so I’m guessing it’s a test. It’s in gmail too but not in the rest of the google services I use yet.
Trying the ‘OS’ feel..it seems.
Yes I am seeing in GMail, Search, Places and Maps but not in Calendar, Docs, or Reader.
I kind of like it…
i’m not seeing it yet, thanks for the preview.
I’ve seen it all day. It comes with an option to change to an igoogle gui; I’m in the DC mid atlantic region.
Yep. I see the new interface when I’m on Google Maps. I’m located in CA.
@Mike….not here in g.ca yet…tho, it will most likely get here I’d assume…
@Mike, I began seeing that interface sporadically on Monday. Since then I have seen it appear more frequently.
I kind of like it.
Yes, but only on gmail so far
I have this interface on my desktop PC for like 2 months. It looks slightly better but the drop-down menu at the right corner brings me some pain.
Not sure how I could have missed this and maybe it’s the new layout. Has Google always shown my maps and PPC in the right hand bottom column within the listing? Who knows, maybe it’s late…
I noticed this morning on Gmail and the Homepage here in Poland
I’m in Saudi Arabia
I started to see the new interface on some services since Tuesday.
I like it epically the new tap on the far upper right corner.
good job Google 🙂
Is there a difference with the UI depending on your browser? I see it on Maps in Chrome but not in IE.
Annoying! I have multiple google accounts, and now I need 2 clicks to log-out instead of a single click.
First noticed it around Monday. All my accounts have it. It is not on all Google properties yet. Books, News, Calendar, reader and Docs don’t yet have it. I am in Australia
BTW I think this also has to do to smoothen the way how Google is now able to handle multiple G accounts (easy switching, etc).
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