Understanding Google My Business & Local Search
Getlisted Local U: Denver is Next
We are very happy to announce that the next GetListed Local University is going to be in Denver and will be held Thursday, October 21 at the Sheraton Denver Tech. Pricing for the event is $129 and with the discount code: MBDenver your cost will only be $89. There will be morning and afternoon events and you may sign up for single tickets here.
The event is being coordinated by the folks at seOverflow and sponsored by Bing, Localeze, UBL and Deluxe. The speaker line up includes the usual suspects of great speakers: David Mihm, Matt McGee, Mary Bowling, Maryam Gholami (Bing), Ed Reese and myself.
Like all previous Local Universities, this event is specifically targeted to local small businesses. One of our primary goals is to connect attendees with reputable local marketers to help answer questions and improve their visibility long after the conclusion of the seminar. We realize that when we are long gone from Denver, these folks will still often need the assistance of professionals in their local market.
To serve this need we are offering a great opportunity for local agencies to expose potential clients (and junior staff) to the concepts and ideas of Local University with a specific package targeted to their needs: the Local University Group “7-Pack”.
Local University Group “7-Pack”
Tickets for each of our Local University events are available in blocks of seven at the discounted price of $399 per block ($57* per ticket).
- • Over 50% off each ticket (normally priced at $129)
- • Increased credibility among clients & attendees
- • Inclusion of your logo & website mention as a Local U partner
- • Special reserved seating at event
- • Inclusion of your company/organization logo in rotating partners deck
- • Networking with presenters and other attendees
*Larger blocks of tickets are also available at this same $57 rate. Inquire for more information
I am looking forward to meeting you in Denver!
Any plans to come to NYC?
Please come to somewhere near Cincinnati
Was a participant at the Cleveland #LocalU back at the end of June and while my US geography aint the best…isn’t Cincinnati in Ohio too?
If so, then I’d think that it’d be awile till Ohio was back on the playlist for new spots…
But then hey, I’m a canuck….
Yes but Cleveland is 5 hours away. Indianapolis, Columbus, Lexington, Louisville are all closer. Or you could just come to Cincinnati which is right in the middle.
well, I hear you…and as was discussed after the conf, over cocktails, was the notice to us that the Cleveland #LocalU had been ‘sponsored’ or event co-ordinated maybe by a local Cleveland group….sorry, don’t remmber whom that was….
so if Cincinnati wants a #LocalU of their own, then maybe you – or the local Chamber or biz networking group etc etc can step up and contact David or Mike and let them know you’d be willing to host same….
sounds like a plan, eh!
We are putting together our 2011 schedule now and Jim is right we are looking for partners to help co-promote the event into local markets. Cincy has been on our radar but the reason that we went to cleveland first was the aggressive actions of the Karcher Group.
NYC per se is probably not in the cards but we are likely to be in NJ and or Connecticut in the next 12 months.
what Mike said, eh!
Are there any plans for getlisted to come over to the UK to do any events? it would be something i would be interested in attending, but denver is a longway to travel.
When is Local U coming to Boston or NY?
It is likely over the next year that we would make it to New Jersey and possibly western Mass. It is unlikely that we would be in NYC or Boston proper.
[…] to the concepts and ideas of Local University with a specific package targeted to their needs: the Local University Group “7-Pack”… click on that link to visit Mike’s blog piece on just that opportunity […]
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