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Understanding Google My Business & Local Search

Google Maps: Updated Google places Management UI (LBC)

Google Maps has rolled out a revised interface (thanks to Jim Giangolio of Lunametics, a Pittsburgh SEO, for the heads up) to the multiple business view of the Google places management area.

The changes are both aesthetic and practical. New are the ability to organize the list by business name or status, an active alert of issues, and miniature displays of the listing stats:

The welcome upgrade to the interface which solves some long standing problems with managing multiple listings still has a few quirks. For example regardless of the view (business or status) chosen, it always reverts to the status view after a record change. We can also hope with this initial upgrade that Google will start including more meaningful error and penalty state messages within the new interface. Regardless, it is a welcome upgrade to anyone with more than 2 or 3 listings in an account.