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Understanding Google My Business & Local Search

New Google Layout Now (Mostly) Live

The Google Jazz upgrade is now rolling out and is available in most locations (although not all as I have it at home but not work). SInce its early testing, the interface has evolved through a number of changes as it relates to local, some of which pushed organic results further down the page than others. In the end though the final changes will not result in any significant difference when local results are shown.

Here is a screen capture at 1024 x 768 with before and after looks at the impact that the new interface PLUS the new local refinements options have on the page (click the image to see full size):

As you can see, by reducing the amount of space at the top of the page Google preserved the size of the Local 7-Pack and kept the amount of organic results the same as before.

When using the interface during the test, I came to like its feel and prefer it to the “yesterdays” display. What is your opinion of the interface? Will it have any new impact on Local and organic results?

I have also added screen shots of the old and new Local Universal result displays from my 1920×1200 monitor. Interestingly at this resolution the new and old designs both show 6 organic results.