Understanding Google My Business & Local Search
Google Now Cross Promoting Other Web Services Directly to LBC Users
I recently received this email from the Google Local Business Center:
Google Apps helps you focus more on your business, less on IT hassles |
As a small business owner, you don’t want to spend additional time, money and energy on IT hassles. That’s why the Local Business Center team would like to introduce you to Google Apps Standard Edition, our suite of free, easy-to-use online messaging and collaboration tools for businesses like yours. Apps is hosted by Google so you don’t need to install or maintain any hardware or software, and you can access your account from just about any computer.
When you sign-up for a Google Apps Standard Edition account, you can:
In just 3 easy steps, you can sign-up for your FREE Google Apps Standard Edition account
Sincerely, |
Last week it was reported as well that Google UK is offering free websites AND free domain registrations to small businesses. If you had any doubt about Google going after the very small business with a complete list of internet services, this should make it perfectly clear.
Dear Professor Maps,
I get these with 100 ad credits all the time. Quite a genius marketing move and one that keeps Google profitable. Haven’t seen one for Apps though. It seems that the LBC will be a gateway drug for SMB’s and then the big G daddy will try to get them hooked on the hard stuff. I actually just started on apps and quite enjoy it.
Here is a quick write up I did on the adwords credit a while back…
I got the same thing, but I think it read “Google let’s you focus less on business, more on IT hassles”
Ahh Google, the answer to and cause of every web marketing problem.
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