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Understanding Google My Business & Local Search Local University Inaugural Event in Spokane

As you know, I think that all searches, like politics, are local. Knowledge should be as well.

There is a huge disconect between what is happening in “local” and many of the businesses on the street that really need to leverage the possibilities for marketing that come from that knowledge. We hope that Local University can start to fill that gap.

Our first event is scheduled in Spokane, Wa. for February 4th. The event, with a choice of morning or afternoon session, is targeted to businesses that are beginning to explore the possibilities of online marketing. It will be jammed full of information with presentations from David Mihm, Matt McGee, Mary Bowling, Ed Reese of Spokane, Ari Bezman & Ryan Howard of Google and myself.

The seminar costs $129, but you can use the coupon code “mb2010″ to register for only $79. (I am hoping to gather more sign ups than either David or Matt 🙂 ) There are only 100 seats in each session.

A little background on the Local University…

Last fall at SMXEast,  David Mihm, Mary Bowling and I talked about what a “local conference” might look like. I had been thinking about the idea for a while and obviously David and his partner Patrick had as well. The time seemed right to move on creating a local series that brought knowledge to the folks that needed it day in and day out. We wanted a truly local event that included:

-Top notch National and Local speakers
-Partnering with local business development groups & national entities involved with Local
-Reasonable pricing to encourage SMB attendance
-Presentations in the many mid major cities beyond the NY/SF circuit
-Involvement with local charities

With the help of Ed Reese in Spokane who is doing a bang up job coordinating local sponsorship and marketing and an encouraging grant from Google we have been able to create this first event. We are hoping that from this experience we can develop a model to allow us to present in similar sized cities across the US.

If you are interested in helping us organize a similar event in your city or you wish to consider national sponsorship for future events, drop either David or myself a line.

February 4th is rapidly approaching and I am hoping to meet some of you in Spokane at the first stop of what will hopefully be many Local Universities.