Understanding Google My Business & Local Search
Google Maps: Where did the LBC stats go?
The new stats in the Local Business Center leave a bit to be desired. Apparently though they are better than no stats as many outside the US, which have not yet been upgraded to the data rich dashboard, are reporting that what few stats they had are no longer showing and have been at best erratic for the last few months.
I contacted a number of Canadian local search folks, all of who confirmed that for the past 3-8 weeks stats have all but disappeared in their Local Business Centers. Have the stats disappeared in anticipation of a world wide upgrade to the new data rich dashboard? Or is there just a quirk in providing them?
The data rich dashboard was introduced in the US during the last week of May. At that time when asked what the timeframe for broader international rollout, Carter Maslan noted: “It is a high priority but we have nothing specific to communicate. It will follow as we are able to provide it but there is no timeline to announce at the moment.”
I find that stats dont work that good for me!
I confirm. In Italy there isn’t any statistics in LBC.
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