Understanding Google My Business & Local Search
Entries Published On June, 2009
What is an acceptable business name under Google Guidelines? Poll Results
There was a fair bit of comment about small business naming practices for the internet in general and Google Maps in particular after the recent upgrade to their listing guidelines. The discussion revolved around the ambiguity that exists in the naming practices in small businesses and how that should best be projected into Maps to …
Google’s Data-Rich Dashboard in Local Business Center- Official Announcment
Here is the official Google announcement of the new LBC Dashboard reproduced in its entirety: New feature will provide businesses with new visibility into the ways their local listings are found on Google, enabling them to make smarter decisions about attracting customers Today Google is launching a new dashboard feature in the Google Local Business …
Google Maps – What is an acceptable business name under Google Guidelines?
Update: Poll closes in 3 Hours. Please provide your input. Google recently revamped their Business Listing Guidelines and has provided much more detail about what is acceptable practice in listing a business on Google Maps. Despite their efforts to formalize what is spammy and what isn’t, the discussion in the comment section of the announcement …
Carter Maslan comments on the new data rich Desktop for the LBC
Google is formally announcing their data rich Desktop for the LBC this morning. The new LBC view has been visible to a growing number of LBC users over the past week and should be visible to all US listings by Tuesday afternoon. I had some questions about the product and its focus which Carter Maslan, Director …