Understanding Google My Business & Local Search
Porn Mapspam Creeping into the Local 10 Pack
In a new development in the mapspam world (as if we need new developments), it was reported in the Google Maps Help Group that the search: Auto Insurance Los Angeles, CA is now returning not just mapspam but porn mapspam.
This listing does not appear to be a “community edit hijack” but rather a “legitimate” claimed record (or possibly a hijacked legitimately claimed record) in the LBC. Now when Danny Sullivan suggests that Google clean up the Mapspam in Google Maps, we know what he means. Leave it to LA to be at the forefront of this new effort. 🙂 Although I should be careful not to give those folks any new ideas.
I always exhibit a certain lack of imagination when it comes to monetizing the “business pospects” of Google Maps. But this one engenders all sorts of thoughts of income opportunities for the enterprising Search Marketer…Airport Bathroom Cleaning Services -ItsNotJustforSenators.com or Casting Services – JustTheRightBody.com …..hmmm the possibilities are endless.
Nice catch Mike. You have a keen eye for this type of thing. Moreover your suggestions at the bottom of the post have obviously stirred your business passions.
Take a look at the 2 reviews!…I just don’t know….the first one is too over the top….I think that one was faked. I tended to believe the second review tho. 😀
Good find as always, Mike!
That hijacked listing has a couple reviews as well. The second one is… um… interesting. 🙂
@Paul & EarlP
Yes this single record embodies all that is not quite right with Google Maps….a spammy listing, spammy reviews…crowding out legitimate businesses from the limited space of the Local 10 Pack…
That is crazy, how can google not cross-check that information?
Not good news for us legitimate business.
Funny that Rebecca @ SEOmoz found a DIFFERENT porn problem in Google Maps on the same day! — http://www.seomoz.org/blog/sneaky-spam-in-local-search#jtc78326
Mike, nice to see your smiling face in your Gravatar 🙂
Man, I am always smiling!
Man what a joke. Porn in Google Local. Matt Cutts is surely having a cow! Hey, can I get my picture in an avatar too?
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