Understanding Google My Business & Local Search
Local Links of Interest
Adwords Appearing for Competitors in Embedded Maps – Martijn Beijk, martijnbeijk.com
Martijn points out that embedded Google Maps on your website could very well now include Adword ads to your competitor’s website. I presume that this is part of Google effort to push more ads out of late but their appearance on embedded Maps seems inappropriate.
In Lean Times, Online Coupons Are Catching On – Claire Miller, NY Times
Have on-line coupons finally caught on? The NY Times seems to think so. I wonder if Google ever will.
Write a Bad Review … Get Sued – Matt McGee, smallbusinesssem.com
Consumerist today tells the story of Chris Norberg, a guy who left a negative review on Yelp about Dr. Steven Biegel, a chiropractor in San Francisco.
It looks like Norberg deleted his negative review from Yelp after getting some kind of cease and desist letter from Biegel’s attorney, but Norberg did leave this review/comment on Biegel’s business listing summarizing some of his complaints and explaining why the original review is gone.
So who gets the revenue from the embedded ads?
Do google share the usual (secret) percent or is it not only an attempt to push more ads but also more share of the winnings?
embedded Google Maps on your website could very well now include Adword ads to
your competitor’s website
[ All My Comments at http://blodcast.com/download-blog ]
Good question. I assume that it is just an attempt to push out more ads as there is no sharing mechanism.
FYI. Google and Yelp are also potential defendants for republishing libel. I have been warning about this. Google has lots of money to fight lawsuits, but its bad press to let people republish potential lies and revenge.
That is why I have been advocating an opt out feature so businesses can protect themselves.
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