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Understanding Google My Business & Local Search

iPhone users now see a mobile optimized blog

I recently looked back at my Google Analytics to get a sense of mobile traffic and saw the beginnings of mobile access. This chart, created to correspond with major iPhone rollouts, shows that iPhone usage, while still only .5% of my traffic, is on a healthy upswing.

While the iPhone could view my blog reasonably well, it seemed to make sense to optimize their experience. That is even more true for the Window’s Mobile users and other mobile devices attempting to visit. Frank Fuchsrecently suggested the MobilePress plugin as an easy way to deal with both.

It couldn’t have been easier to install and configure and it seems to work well. I viewed it from an friend’s iPhone and the default design was functional and fast if not pretty. It does allow for easy access and configuration of custom mobile themes as well.

If you have tried viewing this blog with either the iPhone or Windows Mobile, I would love to hear your feedback on MobilePress and your thoughts on providing a different interface to mobile users.