Understanding Google My Business & Local Search
Entries Published On November, 2008
iPhone users now see a mobile optimized blog
I recently looked back at my Google Analytics to get a sense of mobile traffic and saw the beginnings of mobile access. This chart, created to correspond with major iPhone rollouts, shows that iPhone usage, while still only .5% of my traffic, is on a healthy upswing. While the iPhone could view my blog reasonably …
Google Voice Search: A distinctly American voice
Over the weekend, I downloaded and demonstrated Google’s new Voice Search and StreetViews to my friends that have iPhones. The Streetview feature (once I found which icon to tap) is incredibly fast and functional, much more so than on my aging PowerBook 12″ laptop. The Voice Search worked very well for me with a 95% …
Maps in times of trouble
Internet usage in general, goes up during disasters. A large number of internet searches quickly follow catastrophes and major world events. Google, for example, reported that searches for news-related sites increased 60 times over normal levels on September 11. The London bombings in July 2005 showed a similar search peak according to the Google Zeitgeist …