Understanding Google My Business & Local Search
Entries Published On November, 2008
Google Responds to Microsoft Hijacking
Google responded via the comment section to the Microsoft Hijacking: **** (cross-posted to Danny Sullivan at http://searchengineland.com/google-local-business-hijacking-microsoft-acquires-yahoo-becomes-escort-service-15313.php) Hi Mike, We appreciate your continued efforts to help us identify spam on Google Maps. The wiki nature of Google Maps expands upon Google’s steadfast commitment to open community. That said, we also work very hard internally to …
The complexities of YP listing management in the Google Age
I have often noted in the past how managing a business listing has gone from expensive to free but from simple to complicated. It used to be a simple matter of paying the Yellowpage salesman to correct this or change that. But now the path to getting it corrected is much, much more complicated. I …
Hey I resemble that remark
Coverage of my shenanigans vìs-a-vìs Microsoft’s listing in Google Maps has been wider than just the search industry. Regardless, a number of writers have ascribed intentions and feelings to me that seem to drift toward the dramatic and away from reality. From the Silicon Alley Insider: “An angry small business advocate has his revenge”. and …