Understanding Google My Business & Local Search
Local Links of Interest
 Small Business Marketing Success Story: Avante Gardens – Matt McGee, SearchEngineland
This interview with Cathy Rulloda is a great overview of good practices. Cathy is always at the forefront of using the internet for local marketing in the very tough florist arena and she more than holds her own.
Free-411 Rolls Out Dial Directions Nationally & Jingle Goes Nationwide with Dial Directions – Greg Sterling, Screenwerks/Local Mobile
Against that backdrop Jingle needs to continue to develop, market and differentiate its service if it hopes to stay ahead of this increasing competition. One way it has sought to do that is by offering Dial Directions service, which as of today is now available nationally: any location to any other location (by address or intersection).
I see Free 411 services as a critical bridge service between the phones of today and the mobile internet of tomorrow and the services use much the same data set that we have been working with. Greg offers this interesting chart of Free 411 intents:
How do we determine the names of things -Â Â Mikel Maron, BrainOff.com
A mid April post that takes a fascinating look at the politics and policies involved in naming places. What we often assume is an absolute in a Map is really  a fluid, conflicted political & social battle. How does Google handle the conflicts that arise? How does OpenStreetMap do so? An eye opening and educational piece.
That was so nice to read Matt’s interview of Cathy.
Cathy’s ‘design your own’ strategy is lovely, smart!
You know what I’d love to see Cathy go after? A ‘local green’ floral strategy. So many florists’ offering are exotic, long-distance, etc. What about locally-grown, low-impact bouquets of organic flowers? I know people with multiple chemical sensitivities and the like can’t accept conventionally grown bouquets because of the chemicals, and the carbon aspects of long-distance shipping might be troubling to the new mass of green consumers.
I wonder what the results would be of a green category for a florist like Cathy? The bouquets might look simpler, more hand-done, as though you’d just picked them yourself from your own gorgeous garden. I can see folks liking this…liking the local aspect.
Hi Miriam
A great idea, one that would probably get more traction in some markets than in others… Part of the problem in the marketing is selling something before enough people are looking for it…but it sure would be a unique niche. I would love to hear Cathy’s opinion.
Hey I just added another link, be sure to go read the article. You will enjoy it.
You’re right – I loved the Naming article!
It reminds me of the slant that has been put on the past 2000 years of history by the fact that it was the Roman Empire that created name designations for people and places across Eurasia. Unsurprisingly, the Vans, the Geats etc. have come down to us as ‘Barbarians’ while, surely, had these been literate people, they would have had much nicer things to say about themselves.
I don’t much like Google’s solution of offering no mapping information for Cyprus. Avoiding the problem won’t solve it.
The name ‘Cyprus’, by the way, has a fascinating history of its own, revolving around the ancient transatlantic copper trade that is ignore by party-line historians.
Ah, no one will every agree about these matters. Hard to know what to do and whether even democratic, open-source options are actually a viable route.
Thanks for that link. Interesting stuff!
Some of that reliance on Roman history is current attitudes and bias as much as whether the history was written don’t you think?
I am always struck, when I go back and look, how much science and math came out of the Arab golden age that directly influenced the Renaissance…astronomy, alegebra, medicine etc. Yet very little of that is credited in our common understanding of our history…
I certainly enjoyed being reminded that a Map is but a mere artifact and reflection of our interpretation of reality, not reality itself….humbling.
Yes, the Arabs were geniuses at both math and astronomy! I’m afraid Americans are not taught this at all, really, at least in basic public education. Their achievements, like those of the Chinese, have been largely ignored because of the Western/Roman bias you wisely point out.
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