Understanding Google My Business & Local Search
Local Links of Interest
UniversalBusinessListing.Org Partners with NexxLinx to Jump-Start Local SearchÂ
UBL is the industry initiative to help businesses create and expand their online presence. Instead of spending countless frustrating hours of trial and error, businesses create a central listing with UBL, and for a small fee their information is securely distributed to all major US online Yellow Pages, search engines, industry directories and 411 directory assistance.Â
Adding A Business to MSN/Live Local Search – Matt McGee, SmallBusinessSEM
MSN’s Local Search property, Live Search Maps, used to rely on Localeze for all its business listings. If you wanted to add or edit a listing in MSN Local, that’s where you went to take care of it.
That’s since been replaced by MSN’s own Local Business Listings Center, which operates quite similarly to Google’s version of the same tool.
Western Union to Offer Mobile-to-Mobile Transfers – Laura Sydell, NPR
Western Union is teaming up with two other companies to offer customers money transfers over their cell phones. It’s aimed at immigrants, who often don’t go to banks or use the Internet to conduct business.
Rumor: eBay to Sell Skype to Google? – Sebastien, Praized.com
What it means: I think this potential acquisition/partnership makes complete sense. IMHO, call tracking and pay-per-call represents a large portion of future local search revenues and Google clearly sees that local search is where they will get tremendous growth in the next 5-10 years. By buying the Skype infrastructure (and user base) and combining it with the GrandCentral technology and expertise, they instantly get core assets to execute that strategy globally.
Call Tracking Data Reveals YP Print ROI – Greg Sterling, Screenwerks
The Yellow Pages Association has put out data from a call tracking study this morning that shows a high return on investment for display advertisers:
- Yellow Pages sales revenue is more than 27:1 for national display advertisers and nearly 13:1 for local display advertisers.
- 60 percent of advertisers experienced an increase in call volumes in the second year of the study.
- Of the advertisers that experienced a growth in call volume the second year, the average increase of leads was 49 percent.
- The median Yellow Pages local display advertisement delivers 444 calls per year at a cost per call of $29.The median national display advertisement delivers 979 calls per year at a cost per call of $15.
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