Understanding Google My Business & Local Search
Local Links of Interest
Dash’s Car Navigator Gives Smart Directions, if Others Participate – Walt Mossburg, WSJ
I have not really been following the Dash but after having read Mossburg’s article in the WSJ it struck as quite significant that your car would act as a data “probe” to provide real time traffic information to a community of users. Very Cool.
Announcing LeaveFeedback.org, Free Service for Local Businesses – Michael Jensen, SoloSEO
This is very useful product that I will hopefully have more time to write about later. It vastly simplifies the process by which a small business gets reviews from his/her customer. It is the last 50 feet of local and creates a “virtuous cycle” with benefits for all.
Facebook Pages & Local Search Engine Optimization – Andrew Shotland, LocalSEOGuide
I am not a facebook maven but this technique appeared to be valuable.
Global Temperature Trends for Google Earth – Frank Taylor, Google Earth Blog
I never ceased to be amazed at the wondrous information that makes it way into a map these days. This is one of those cases and what you see in Google Earth today, you will see in Google Maps tomorrow (not literally but you knew that).
Google Maps for mobile gets native on UIQ – Sean Cooper, enGadgetMobile
I recognize that this is old news that I meant to post a while ago. When you combine this effort to claim prime real estate on your cell phone screen with the reports of a new interface for Google mobile I see Google maneuvering to become the habitual choice in the world of mobile with or without the carriers.
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