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Understanding Google My Business & Local Search

Google Mapspam takes on international flavor

Conversionrate of Melbourne has pointed out a stunning example of mapspam that has occurred in Melbourne, Australia on the search: mechanic melbourne australia.


According to the folks at
We recently found a Melbourne based mobile mechanic who spammed his business into 500 locations on the Melbourne Map in Google Maps. Whilst the business appears to have only one real location, they asserted that because they are a mobile mechanic, they should be allowed to show up on the map on every main street of Melbourne city.

I have always thought that Americans often behaved as if they had certain God given entitlements. It appears that some Australians apparently feel the same way. 🙂 My mapspam weather reports are now indicating that Australia is not as sunny as I was lead to believe.

That being said, there is a legitimate business need for Google Maps to be able to show service area for both local and national service based businesses. If Google were to provide another Map layer that offered this functionality, it would short circuit a number of these types of rationales that are based on a legitimate business need.