Understanding Google My Business & Local Search
Google SMS Adds Location-Based Personalization Automatically
In a recent post, The Google Operating System Blog points out that Google SMS Adds Location-Based Personalization to your text queries of its local business database by sending a SMS to Google that contains the command:
set location [city, zip code, address]
In recent trip to NYC with my family over labor day weekend I discovered that Google will automatically (no command required) set your default location in an SMS query after three queries as well. By setting the location automatically after a limited number of queries, Google cuts key entry time in half on all subsequent queries for users like me that are too lazy to explore the help file or send a command.
I experimented with Goog-411, Google Maps & Google SMS as local tools during this tourist visit and found that when walking down the street or perusing a shop or museum, Google SMS was an incredibly valuable alternative to find a known store’s location and phone number. In many ways it was preferable to Directory Assistance as it was silent and unobtrusive. Once received as a text message it was then a simple task to tell my Nokia to find the number and dial it if need be or add it to my contacts.
I noticed that a few weeks back randomly after searching for something in Reno, NV, then got home back to San Francisco and tried a random query. It came back with Reno businesses. Google keeps rolling out some great new features and this one definitely cuts down time.
You could also text any question and have it answered by real people with Mosio. Doesn’t cut down on texting time but works better for more all types of questions/searches.
Hi Sam
Mosio looks interesting although obvipously dealing with broader scope of information than Google SMS.
[…] Clickz writes about Live adding location-aware mobile. Google already provides location-based personalization via its SMS search. More logs on the fire that’s becoming local search. […]
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