Understanding Google My Business & Local Search
Goog-411 Creative Uses
I have been a fan of Goog-411 since its pre-beta days as 520-Find. I found it to be the fastest, most focused voice activated directory assistance. It seemed a natural extension of local search in an incredibly interesting direction. Not without its problems, but very useful as a business tool when driving down the highway, with the promise of opening up Google Maps data to millions of additional users.
My imagination though as to its uses was limited. Creative souls posting at the Goog411 Google Group have found a number of ways to use it to avoid long distance charges (although your mileage may vary):
*Free International call completion to landlines via free Skype to #800
*Free calling from Canada to the US Businesses
Obviously, these tactics simply shift the cost to Google. One wonders what Google’s costs are for the call completion component of the service (which is its most valuable competitive advantage) and what value they receive for it. It is also of interest that the Google employee (your Goog-411 operator) seems to support these uses.
1 Comment
SearchCap: The Day In Search, May 10, 2007
Below is what happened in search today, as reported on Search Engine Land and from other places across the web:…
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