Understanding Google My Business & Local Search
Interface upgrade on Local OneBox
Google has recently upgraded the Local OneBox with additional pins that create a stronger visual point of entry to Maps.
In late January, Google’s upgrade of the Local Onebox led to a dramatic increase of traffic to to Google Maps. At the time I noted that:
They are still only showing three results. Why three? Why not 4 or 5 or even 6. The choice to stick with 3 denies many the opportunity for a listing.
This recent upgrade (I have no idea when it occurred as I have been busy catching up on business and my son’s basball upon our return from an extended vacation) doesn’t really solve this problem of the arbitrary placement of the top 3 listings but does create a strong impression that there are more listing worthy of note and should induce even more traffic to Google Maps. It is a subtle but welcome upgrade
You’re blogging again! Welcome back. 🙂
Anyway, yeah, this is an interesting change. Happened about 10 days ago as best we can tell:
Some folks still see the old display, at least as of 4-5 days ago.
SearchCap: The Day In Search, May 7, 2007
Below is what happened in search today, as reported on Search Engine Land and from other places across the web:…
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