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Understanding Google My Business & Local Search

Google allows corrections to unverified Map entries

Google allows corrections

In the recent past, Google Maps has had some glaring errors in data accuracy due to their heavy reliance on on their assignment algorithm.

As of late last night, Google implemented two changes to help improve the situation. Firstlly they are now providing an active alert that the business record is unverified.

More importantly, if a user drills into the record, they are now presented with an option to report incorrect data.

This option, previously avialable on Yahoo, provides a simple screen with the following information:

Google Maps gathers information from a variety of sources, including websites and Yellow Pages directories. Occasionally, this information may be incorrect or outdated.

Please tell us the problem with this business listing:

-The name, phone number, or address is incorrect
-Business information (e.g. hours or payment accepted), reviews, or web references are incorrect
-My home phone number or address appears in this listing

After the user selects one of the above choices, a second screen is presented where correct information can be entered and additional instructions are provided by country on how a business can their own information. Different links are provided for the U.S & China via the Business Center, Canada via and the UK via

Given Google’s recent elevation of local data on the main search results page, this is a very welcome upgrade.

One choice above that left me wondering:
-My home phone number or address appears in this listing

I had yet to see this problem but for a few unsuspecting souls it must have been instense.