Understanding Google My Business & Local Search
Here today and gone tomorrow! Where did Google Click to Call go off to?
The news of Google rolling out Click to Call spread like wild fire last week. I expressed optimism about the service while some, like Matt McGee expressed reservations about its impact.
Pundits not to worry. Its gone today. Not sure what happened to it either. When I searched today from Olean, NY it was gone. However others are reporting still seeing the feature.
I’m not seeing the “call” link like in your screenshot in this post of yours:
But, if you click on the pin, are you still seeing a “send to phone” link in the flag that springs up on the map?
I ask because I’m wondering if they changed the format. They may also be experimenting with different user interfaces at different data centers.
No, when I click the pin it still isn’t there.
Perhaps the update hasn’t rolled out to all of the datacenters.
That’s odd that it disappeared. I wonder why.
I do see a big list of phone service providers to choose from, and a place to put my phone number. Maybe they are still negotiating something with the phone service providers in your area, if that is a necessary step they need to take.
It seems to have returned permanently. If the Plus Box development indicated by Matt Cutts applies here then it could be a difference in updating and functionality based on platform (PC vs Mac vs Linux) and browser.
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