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Understanding Google My Business & Local Search

Google Maps UI upgrade: Places page replaces Tabbed Interface

Google Maps is rolling out a new UI upgrade, the “Places” page, worldwide to replace the tabbed interface text view in Maps. The rollout, beginning today, will take place over the next week.

The new interface provides a single page where all information about a “Place” is visible in well, one place. Google has taken all of the information that previously  resided under the tabs plus a range of new information and is presenting it in a single page view. Note for example this Places page for the Verrazano Narrows Bridge contains a SketchUp3D image (lower right).

The upgrade, according to Ron Lior, Maps product manager, not only presents more information about a particular business or place but offers improved internal ranking so that the most relevant information about a Place is displayed.

Not limited to just businesses Google’s vision is somewhat grander. They want to create a Places page for every place in the world (click to see examples), every business, historic site, city, geographic feature, neighborhood and transit point. In the near future real estate listings will also be shown this way. (Note as these roll out, the URL’s may or may not work reliably.) Each “Place” will also have a human readable place identifier in the form: .

I will be writing up a more extensive analysis of the Places Page in a subsequent post.

Those marked in red include new information:

Google Places Page

To see the old tabbed view:
Google Maps Tabbed View