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Google Maps now using TeleAtlas data exclusively

Google Maps has now switched their map data provision completely over to TeleAtlas from Navteq. Now the google Maps, the Google API and the Google Maps for Mobile all use the same underlying data. This switch was only a matter of time given Nokia aquisition of Navteq. Here is the announcement from Google’s Maps Guide Adam:

Hi Everyone,

I wanted to give you a heads up that Google Maps recently made some changes to the map data. Specifically, we have moved Google Maps over to use the same map data from Tele Atlas that is currently used by both the Google Maps API and Google Maps for Mobile. While most of the map will look the same, and in many areas it will improve, there may also be some cases where the data may not be optimal. In those cases, we encourage you to use one of the following options to helpimprove our maps:

-Community Edits

If you notice an error, feel free to correct it yourself by clicking on the “Edit” link in the information bubble that appears for alocation. For more information, check out this Maps Help Center page:

-Report the error directly to TeleAtlas

You can notify our map provider directly using the following link:

And as always, to view a one-stop-shop for reporting all types of Map errors, please visit

Maps Guide Adam